
En mémoire de Germain Roux déporté à Mauthausen

En septembre 2019, Plusieurs personnes, dont des membres de la Famille de Germain Roux se sont rendus ensemble à Mauthausen pour une visite commémorative. Une petite pierre symbolise le retour de Germain sur Castres où son nom figure sur le Monument aux Morts.

En mémoire du Sergent Germain Roux 
Croix de Guerre avec une étoile de vermeil

République Française
Guerre 1939 -1945


Ordre Général n°44
Le Ministre de la Défense Nationale, cite à l'Ordre du Corps d'Armée
ROUX, Germain (F.F.I) à titre posthume

* Réfractaire au travail obligatoire, et entré dans la résistance et au Maquis de la montagne Noire avec lequel il a participé à diverses opérations. Arrêté par la Gestapo, a été déporté en Allemagne (Autriche). Mort des suites de mauvais traitements au camp de concentration de Mauthausen.

  (F.F.I : Force Française de l'intérieur)

Mort à Mauthausen le 18 Juin 1944
(matricule n° 31.865) 

Monument aux Morts de Castres

 Mr Germain Roux :

né le 23 mars 1923 à Espérausses (81260) ­ France

Matricule de déporté à Mauthausen n° 31865 

 Numéro de Prisonnier à Compiègne : 9883

Avant la Déportation :

Lieu de résidence : Castres (81100) ­ France

Profession : Fileur


Parcours d’arrestation et de déportation :

 Arrestation à Latour de Carol (66760) dans les Pyrénées Orientales le 29 Janvier 1943


Parcours après son arrestation (en France) :
1-Latour de Carol


Suite à son arrestation par la Gestapo, le 29 Janvier 1943, Germain Roux est d'abord détenu à Perpignan. Après son transfert à Compiègne, il envoie plusieurs courriers à sa famille pour établir sa situation (apparemment les Allemands ne lui ont pas permis d'envoyer du courrier depuis Perpignan).
Depuis Compiègne (Oise) il expédie des lettres aux dates suivantes :

* 18 février 1943 (où il précise qu'il a été détenu à Perpignan avant son transfert à Compiègne (dans l'Oise)
* 22 février 1943
* 11 mars 1943
* 27 avril 1943 (où il annonce son départ imminent pour l'Allemagne)

Le 23 et le 27 février 1943, suite au courrier de sa famille s'inquiétant de son arrestation. La Préfecture, après vérification auprès des autorités Allemandes de Perpignan confirme que Germain  a été transféré en camp de Concentration de  Compiègne le 7 février 1943. Il est précisé que Germain sera probablement envoyé en Allemagne dans le cadre du "travail obligatoire".



Germain à occupé le bâtiment B5 & B6.

Sa dernière lettre de Compiègne du 27 avril 1943 indiquait son départ imminent pour l'Allemagne. 
Il Quitte Compiègne par le Convoi du 28 avril 1943.


“Mais les arrestations se multiplient surtout le long de la frontière avec l’Espagne, en particulier dans les Basses­Pyrénées et les Pyrénées­Orientales , où beaucoup de réfractaires au STO essayent de passer.”

  “D’autres sont arrêtés dans les Pyrénées en voulant franchir la frontière espagnole pour rejoindre les Forces Françaises Libres”.

  "Puis transféré à compiègne le 7 février 1943" (d'après le courrier de la préfecture à ces Parents)


Lieu de départ : Convoi parti de Compiègne le 28 avril 1943



Initialement Mr Germain Roux partait sur ce convoi pour le camp de concentration de Sachsenhausen au Nord de Berlin. Son évasion à tout changé, puisque suite à son
emprisonnement et la disponibilité des transports, il a fini par être redirigé sur Mauthausen finalement.

"Evadé du transport avec 12 autres déportés, repris, interné à Metz et déporté à nouveau"

 Déportation : METZ

(Prison de la Gestapo, après son évasion du convoi)

Prison de Metz en France

Ce camp spécial d’interrogatoire de la Gestapo, antichambre de la déportation. Ce dernier voit l’internement d’environ 1800 prisonniers, principalement des résistants, qui y sont torturés et enfermés les yeux bandés avec les pieds et mains liés 


Déportation : BRUCHSAL ​ 

(prison allemande avant son transfert à Mauthausen qui n’était pas son camp prévu de départ) 


 Parcours après son arrestation (en Allemagne) :

Prison de Bruchsal en Allemagne.

Curieusement cette ville est actuellement jumelée avec celle de Tržič, en Slovénie qui est la ville proche du Tunnel du Loibl-Pass.

Déportation : MAUTHAUSEN, le 19 juin 1943 (Camp de catégorie III / NN Nacht und Nebel)
Dans le cadre de l’opération Meerschaum (écume de mer)

Camp principal de Mauthausen 
en Autriche

"Les 3 autres arrivent le 18 juin 1943 au KL Mauthausen et sont immatriculés dans la série des 31800"
Le Troisième monument indique l’arrivé le 19 juin 1943, qui figurent également à l'avis de Décès des archives Allemandes. (cette date du 19 juin 1943 est donc confirmée)

Parcours concentrationnaire 
(en Autriche) :
 6-Camp principale de Mauthausen
7-Wiener Neustadt


Parcours au sein du complexe concentrationnaire de Mauthausen (camp central & affectation aux commandos extérieurs):

Affectation : WIENER NEUSTADT, le 8 août 1943  

  Je pense que Germain Roux a quitté ce camp après le 3ème bombardement (2 novembre) pour aller construire à Zipf (le nouveau site renforcé sous la montagne). Germain parlait d'Usine avec visiblement un travail industriel (montage & assemblage).




August 13, 1943... 61B-24 Liberators in the first Ninth Air Force raid on Austria (using bombers on loan from the 8AF surviving from Operation Tidal Wave) targeted the Wiener-Neustadt aircraft factory as part of the B-24 part of Operation Juggler


October 1, 1943...73 B-24's based at Oudna Air Base outside of Tunis, Tunisia, temporarily on loan from the Eighth Air Force bombed the Wiener Neustadt Bf 109 factory

November 2, 1943....The first mission by the US Fifteenth Air Force targeting the nearby Messerschmitt plant, including the 99th Bombardment Group on a 1,600 mile round trip, dropped 312 tons and hit the "Raxwerke"


A few V-2 center sections had been assembled by the "Raxwerke" when, on 2 November 1943, the US Fifteenth Air Force targeted the nearby Wiener Neustädter Flugzeugwerke (WNF) plant in Operation Crossbow and hit the "Raxwerke". Rax test equipment was subsequently moved to the site of the Redl-Zipf brewery in central Austria (code name Schlier) where V-2 test stands were built.


A la fin de la guerre en 1945, Wiener Neustadt était la ville la plus endommagée en Autriche: seulement 18 maisons étaient intactes, 52 000 bombes avaient été larguées sur la ville et 1 400 personnes avaient été tuées. 


Affectation : SCHLIER­-REDL ZIPF, le 9 novembre 1943

Après le bombardement des installations de Wiener Neustadt. Germain Roux est déplacé dans cette usine souterraine en préparation. Germain travaille probablement au percement des tunnels. Il sera déplacé directement de Wiener Neustadt à Shilier-Redl Zipf sans repasser par le camp central de Mauthausen. Ce deuxième camp marquait une évolution puisqu'il s'agit de creuser des cavernes et d'enterrer les installations de productions des éléments du programme V2.



"Schlier » est le nom de code secret du site, ouvert en octobre 1943, où se trouve implanté une usine secrète de fabrication de carburant pour les fusées V2, ainsi qu’un centre d’essai capable de tester la performance de chaque réacteur de fusée.


"A partir de février, et jusqu’au mois d’août 1944, une série d’explosion suite à des essais entrainent la fin de ce programme Schlier, les déportés repartent vers d’autres KZ ou sur le camp central " 


Affectation : EBENSEE, le 5 mai 1944

"Création de tunnels d’armement relié entre eux et permettant la création d’usines souterraines  (Fusées V2 , armements , fabrique de carburant synthétique".

  "Un des camp les plus dur ou les déportés devaient travailler 14 heures par jour".


Affectation : CAMP CENTRAL, le 6 juin 1944 


Après être tombé malade au camp d’Ebensee, Germain Roux est transféré au camp central et sera vu au Revier une dernière fois. Ce lieu avait la sinistre réputation de mouroir.

Le camp sera libéré par la 11ème division blindée de la 3ème armée US  le 5 mai 1945.


Acte de Décès :

Acte de décès des archives Allemandes indiquant et confirmant qu'il est mort le 18 Juin 1944 à 7h00.

traduction de l'acte de Décès par Cyril :

Block : Infirmerie 

Mauthausen, le 18 juin 1944

 Acte de décès

Le déporté français Germain Roux, Matricule 31 865, né le 23.03.1923 à Castres est décédé le 18 juin 1944 à 7h interné au KLM (abbréviation de « Konzentrationslager Mauthausen ») le 19.06 1943.

SL : Sanitätslager (Infirmerie) : 6. 6 1944

Block principal/ où se trouve le déporté : 17

à MAUTHAUSEN, le 18 juin 1944 dans le camp des Malades en rouge sur l'image ci-dessous (Baraque n°7).



"Maintenant, c’est un grand espace vert, qui fait lieu de recueillement, avec de grands et beaux arbres. Seul, transparaît l’emprise des anciennes Baraques et l’escalier d’accès en pierre venant du camp".



Lieu de Mémoire :


Le Nom de Germain Roux figure sur le registre du Mémorial de Mauthausen page n°1569 sur les 2135 pages.


Le Nom de Germain Roux est inscrit sur le monument aux Morts pour la France de Castres (Voir photo ci-dessus).


 Notes de la Famille :


  "Pour mon oncle, il s’appelait Germain Roux, né le 23/03/1923.

Arrêté à Latour ­de­ Carol (66760) courant février 43, puis transféré à Compiègne le 7 février 43, puis plusieurs piste  : d’après deux témoignages et cartes qu’il a envoyé à sa mère : je vous livre des noms en vrac par chronologie  : Compiègne, pays de Zipf (suite à une lettre d’un italien qui a connu Germain et qui parle de tunnel, hiver 43­/44 jusqu’en mars 44 ,  (Rodac boleslaw, Rax­wek lager, potendorfekstrasse 39 WR Neustadt N.Donan Allemagne, lettre 1er sept 43 ) , camp d’Ebensee, c’est là qu’il est tombé malade, puis dernière carte de Mauthausen, où là, son N° matricule a changé n°31865  d’ailleurs il écrit “faites attention à mon N° matricule et block”. Date de la carte 07 mars 1944 et dernier témoignage :  on l’a vu au revier début juillet 1943...puis terminer. Son numéro jusqu’à présent était le N° 9883".


Le responsable de l’assassinat de Germain et de bien d’autres :

 Franz Ziereis


"Après la libération du camp de concentration de Mauthausen, le 5 mai 1945, Ziereis s'enfuit avec sa femme et son fils. Les soldats américains le retrouvent dans sa cabane de chasse sur le mont Phyrn en Haute-­Autriche le 23 mai. Ziereis tente de leur échapper, mais il est grièvement blessé par les tirs des soldats. Ramené à​ Gusen et interrogé, il prétend qu’un million à un million et demi de personnes ont été gazées dans le château de Hartheim près de Linz : ces affirmations, auxquelles aucun historien ne croit désormais, avaient probablement pour but de détourner l'attention des crimes commis à Mauthausen et Gusen ainsi que dans les nombreux camps annexes.

 Transporté à l'hôpital militaire américain de Gusen, Ziereis y meurt le 24 mai 1945. Son cadavre est ensuite accroché à la clôture du camp de Gusen par d’anciens détenus.


(Il fût le commandant du camp central de Mauthausen pendant la période à laquelle Germain Roux y fût interné, il en était aussi le responsable des camps extérieurs).


Sa déposition lors de son arrestation, peu de temps avant sa mort :


"Mon nom est Franz Ziereis, né en 1903 à Munich, où ma mère ainsi que mes frères et soeurs vivent toujours. Je ne suis pas un homme méchant et me suis élevé uniquement grâce à mon travail. J'étais marchand de profession, et durant les périodes de chômage, j'ai travaillé en tant que charpentier. En 1924, j'ai rejoint le 11ème Régiment d'Infanterie de Bavière. Peu après, j'ai été transféré au département « Formation » puis à Mauthausen avec le grade de commandant du camp. Les camps placé sous mon commandement étaient :Mauthausen, Gusen, Linz, Ebensee, Passau, Ternberg, Gross­Raming, Melk, Eisenerz, Beppern, Klagenfurt, Laibach, Loibl, Loiblpass, Heinkel, W. Wiener­Neustadt, Mittelber et Floridsdorf avec un nombre approximatif de 81.000 prisonniers. La garnison du camp de Mauthausen comptait 5.000 SS. Le nombre maximum de prisonniers enfermés à Mauthausen fut de 19.800".

« Sur l'ordre du SS­ Hauptsturmführer Dr. Krebsbach une chambre à gaz a été construite et camouflée en douche. Les prisonniers étaient gazés dans cette chambre à gaz. Toutes les exécutions étaient faites sur ordre du Reichsführer SS et Chef de la Police Himmler l'Obergruppenführer SS Kaltenbrunner, ou le Gruppenführer SS Müller. En outre 800 prisonniers furent gazés au block 31 de Gusen I. Le Oberscharführer SS Jenschk a également assassiné 700 prisonniers à Gusen, mais je ne sais pas où."

"Jenschk tuait les prisonniers de la manière suivante : alors que la température extérieure était de ­12 degrés il forçait les prisonniers à se baigner puis les faisait se tenir nus en plein air jusqu'à ce qu'ils meurent. Le Dr. Kiesewetter tuait les prisonniers par injection d'essence".

L'Untersturmführer SS Dr. Richter opérait des prisonniers, quel que soit leur état, ­ malade ou en bonne santé ­ et leur enlevait des morceaux de cerveau, causant ainsi leur mort. Ceci fut fait à environ 1.000 prisonniers. L'Obergruppenführer SS Pohl a envoyé les malades et les prisonniers épuisés dans les bois et les y a laissé mourir de faim. Ces prisonniers essayèrent de manger de l'herbe afin de survivre mais tous sont morts. De plus, Pohl diminua de moitié les rations journalières des autres prisonniers, et tous ceux qui étaient malades ou affaiblis furent gazés. Cette chambre à gaz était située au château de Hartheim, à 10 kilomètres de Linz... A Mauthausen, tous les prisonniers gazés étaient enregistrés comme « mort de cause naturelle".

"Pohl m'a envoyé 6.000 femmes et enfants qui avaient voyagé dans des wagons ouverts pendant plus de 10 jours, par un temps glacial et sans recevoir aucune nourriture. On m'a ordonné d'envoyer les enfants ailleurs. Je crois qu'ils sont tous morts. Suite à cela je suis devenu très nerveux. Sur ordre de Berlin, 2.500 prisonniers d’un transport provenant d'Auschwitz ont été plongés dans de l'eau chaude, puis, par temps très froid, ont été forcés de rester nus en plein air jusqu'à ce qu'ils en meurent. Le Gauleiter Eigruber n'a jamais envoyé de nourriture, au contraire il a ordonné que 50% des rations destinées aux prisonniers soient distribuées à la population civile. Glücks a ordonné que les prisonniers travaillant aux crématoires soient relevés toutes les trois semaines et immédiatement exécutés d'une balle dans la nuque parce qu'ils en savaient trop. Peu après, il a été ordonné que tous les médecins et infirmiers soient envoyés dans un camp de travail afin d'y être exécutés."

"Le camp de Lambrecht a été liquidé. Pohl accompagné de nombreuses femmes organisait des banquets et des saouleries dans une villa. Les prisonniers qui travaillaient dans cette villa ont été accusés de vol et transférés à Mauthausen avec l'ordre suivant : "destruction".

"La véritable raison était qu'ils en savaient trop".

"Himmler ordonna un jour de charger une pierre de 45 kilos sur le dos d'un homme et de le faire courir jusqu'à ce qu'il tombe mort. Cette méthode s'étant montrée « efficace », Himmler ordonna de créer une compagnie disciplinaire utilisant ce genre de punition. Les prisonniers devaient soulever de lourdes pierres jusqu'à ce qu'ils s'évanouissent. Ils étaient exécutés dès qu'ils s'effondraient et on écrivait ensuite dans les registres « tué lors d'une tentative d'évasion ». D'autres prisonniers étaient poussés vers l'enceinte barbelée électrifiée. D'autres encore ont été littéralement déchirés en morceaux par « Lord », le chien du commandant Bachmeyer. Le 30 avril, 33 prisonniers ont été rassemblés dans la cour du camp. L'Oberscharführer SS Niedermeyer et l'agent de la Gestapo Polaska les y ont ensuite littéralement tirés comme des lapins. En tout et pour tout, et à ma connaissance, 65.000 prisonniers ont été assassinés à Mauthausen. Dans la plupart des cas, j'ai pris part à ces meurtres. Je me joignais régulièrement aux exécutions et utilisait alors une arme de petit calibre. Les gardes SS s'entraînaient au tir en utilisant des cibles vivantes.

"Le Reichsminister Himmler et l'Obergruppenführer SS Kaltenbrunner m'ont ordonné de tuer tous les prisonniers sans exception au cas où la ligne de front s'approcherait de Mauthausen. J'avais reçu l'ordre de Berlin de détruire Mauthausen et Gusen, prisonniers inclus. Tous les prisonniers devaient être poussés dans une mine de Gusen. On devait ensuite faire sauter la mine à l'aide d'une forte charge explosive. Cette opération devait être faite par les Obergruppenführers Wolfram et Ackermann. C'est Pohl qui a ordonné cela".


Ziereis, l'homme responsable de la mort de Germain et de ses Camarades
(peu de temps avant sa mort)



Ziereis est mort peu de temps après cette déposition. Copie certifiée exacte, extraite du procès contre le Dr. Guido Schmidt (Autriche), et publiée telle quel dans le "Wiener Arbeiterzeitung" du 20 septembre 1945.


Salle des noms (raum der namen)

Dernière mise à jour le 11 Février 2020



In Memory of Captain Wesley J Brooks


On Tuesday April 25, 2023, commemoration of the friends of Captain Brooks near the Stele of Tréminis.


Commemoration of the disappearance of Captain Brooks at Treminis


 Visit of the Tréminis stele around 21 or 22 september 2018 with the Brooks family. Welcome to them and a great day for us

  Our experience at the base of the mountain on Avril 18, 2013 were moments of  the silent thoughts for myself and sons.

We finally saw where our lives changed forever and they were able to find small pieces to bring home.

The next day we were given the beautiful steel plaque that honors my husband and their father.

That will stand at the base of this mountain for all who come that way to read in French and English about what happened and why.

In the summer the mountain sparkles like diamonds from pieces still there.

Our 3 days in Tréminis were and will be in our hearts forever.

We thank all for this special gift.

Nancy Brooks

May 6, 2013

Article from the "Dauphiné Libéré Isère" after visiting the Brooks family to Tréminis
Published wednesday, April 24, 2013

50 years ago, an American pilot crashed on the Grande Casse.
April 25, 1963, a USAFE plane struck crest of Grépoux, boosting the pilot on top of the cliff. Alerted by the noise of the crash, several residents of Tréminis accompanied Gendarmes were then researched. The weather has complicated their mission, the pilot's body had been found on 27 April (1). Captain Wesley J Brooks, 28 years had died. At the foot of the Grand Ferrand, where some wreckage still reside, the municipality of Tréminis plans to install a stele in honor of the American pilot
From April 17 to 20 Specifically, the widow of Captain Brooks, Nancy Brooks, and his four son, were Tréminis for the 50th anniversary of the death of their husband and father. Found by a resident Tréminis few years ago, the family came first on the scene of the tragedy. This is thanks to research conducted by Tréminisous that Brooks learned the exact circumstances of the death of their father. Until then, they only knew that the crash occurred in the Alps ... Last Friday, the family was received by the villagers for a shared meal. A slideshow depicting the events of 25 April 1963 (2) has been shown before that the family of the pilot reveals the stele to be installed soon.
Stay in shape of pilgrimage, full of emotions and brotherhood among Americans and Triévois.

Photo text:
Around the stele in honor of Captain Brooks, facing his widow and four son alongside the Mayor of Tréminis Frederic Aubert, and the main organizers of the coming of the bereaved family.

(1) Sunday 28 Avril 1963
(2) 1963


  Captain Wesley J Brooks

Born; jun 19,1934 Oakland, CA
Death : 11:10 am on april 25,1963 (on the crest of Grépoux, France)

He Buried in Golden Gate National Cemetery in San Bruno, California, south of San Francisco, CA

1/ Citations & Decorations :


Captain Wesley J. Brooks distinguished himself by meritorious achievement while participating in aerial flight as a representative of the United States Air Force in Europe in the first annual reconnaissance phase of the United States Air Force Fighter Weapons Competition "William Tell 1962" from 15 September 1962 to 19 September 1962.  During this period, the professional skill, leadership, and devotion to duty of Captain Brooks resulted in his team achieving the highest over-all honors of the Meet.  In addition, Captain Brooks was awarded the "Art Post Trophy" as the most outstanding tactical reconnaissance pilot in the Air Force.  The outstanding professional competence and airmanship displayed by Captain Brooks reflect great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.

  2/ Links & Thanks: 


  Merci à Francis Froidevaux et Patrick Estrade, pour leur travail de recherche concernant deux pilotes Français disparus au commande de leur Mirage IV. 

Un travail de mémoire très similaire au notre et qui à toute sa place ici.

The stele of Captain Brooks is referenced on the site Aérostèles :


When I went on this ridge, I knew nothing of Captain Brooks.
Site does not remember the drama of April 1963, with some wreckage visible on the top of the cliff.
Soon I will pass below ("grande casse" in French) to identify photographs and the rest of the wreckage of the aircraft (the reactor probably)
Since that day in April 2011, I wanted more information on this disaster and I could find some things on the internet related to this tragedy (but few).
It is in this majestic site, that the young Captain USAFE died in 25 April 1963.
Throughout my research over several years, I later discovered other elements of the life of Captain Brooks. Some items related to his family.
I hope to one day have a contact with a family member (I know Jeff Brooks, and his mother is left messages on the site of Laon AB, trying to experience life to it conducted in France in the early 1960s. (1)
This site is in constant progress and documents from different sites where the Captain is quoted.
My next visit, I will take pictures of the site from different angles (the crash site). but next year (2013) will mark the 50th anniversary of the death of the American pilot.
My thoughts for Nancy Brooks, and sons.
This modest about on my blog, is dedicated to them.

31 january, 2012
Lyon, France 

(1) I managed to contact the Brooks family late February 2012 and I am very pleased with the information they could provide me to complete my research phase. it is through them that much information will be on the blog.
thank you so much.

Tac recce site (broken link)

Laon AB site (broken link)


3/ Testimony of Nancy Brooks (widow of the pilot) :

Information about my husband and what he had done before this accident.

Laon Air Base was not just another U.S.Air Force Base.  From its existence in 1952 thru 1967, the airmen stationed at Laon, France took their assignments seriously.  From "Ground Crews" to the "Flying Crews" and evolutions of B-26's, B-57's, then RF-101 Voodoos played a major role in the "Cold War", as Keepers of "Freedom".  No individual that served at Laon should be forgotten but we "Treasure" those that achieved the highest level of military excellence and gave the ultimate sacrifice in the process.  Captain Wesley J. Brooks was one of them.  He was not just an ordinary voodoo pilot, but was the best pilot in the "William Tell" air competition, thereby named the best reconnaissance pilot in the Air Force.  This not only required his expert flying capacity, but included support personnel as well.  Particular emphasis was place on realism, consistent with flight safety and the professionalism of the USAF pilot.  Select tactical fighter pilots must be able to demonstrate the latest techniques developed for simulated combat conditions.  Seven days of "Hot Competition" earned Captain Brooks the Art Post Trophy.

The "William Tell: meet was held in Las Vegas, Nevada from September 15th to the 19th of 1962.  I believe the first and only time the Voodoo's participated.

We were living in Laon at the time and the planes, crews and equipment were flown there.  Wes and another pilot flew their planes from Laon to Las Vegas.  The return flight took 9 hours flying time with refueling in air.  They arrived to a big celebration.  The Royal Flush met was the same as the William Tell except this one was to  be held in May in Germany.  The team from Laon did not win.

Nancy Brooks
March 12, 2012

4/ Unity patchs :

66th TRW
(Tactical reconnaissance Wing)
(Omnia conspicimus  = see all)

18th TRS
(Tactical reconnaissance Squadron)


Tag of Voodoo's Pilots

5/ Aircraft :


RF 101 C voodoo of Captain Brooks was the n°56-100
(Recon  Aircraft)

Length : 69.3ft (21,10 m)
Wingspan : 39.7 ft (12,09 m)
Height : 18.0 feet (5,48 m)

Weight : 
- empty    26,136 lbs
- combat  36,586 lbs
- takeoff   48,133 lbs

Fuel (JP-4)**: 3,150 gals (20,475 lbs)
** includes two 450 gallon external drop tanks

Engine : 2 Pratt & Whitney J57s

Cost : 1 276 244 $

Combat  radius : 888 NM

Maximun speed :1000 mph (1600 Km/h)
Cruising speed : 550 mph (880 Km/h)
Range : 2060 miles (3300 km)     

RF 101 C voodoo
(Recon  Aircraft)

nose with camera

on the top

front view

to Laon Air Base

cockpit of voodoo

alert in progress
(18th TRS logo on the side towards the nose)

back view
(Overview of France)

(Voodoo RF101C and F100 Super sabre

(Thanks to Tim Taylor for the best photos)



6/ Facts : (in progress):

(The target of the mission, the names of teammates Captain stay state according to the plan of ongoing research.)

This vidéo is really important.
For me it is the cause of the accident triggered.

28th Jun 2011, 21:04
I remember hearing that the F-101 had a tendency to pitch up with little to no provocation due to it's heavy wing-loading, wing design, and T-tail configuration.

By mid-1956 the continued testing of the 29 F-101As which had been accepted by the USAF up to that time had turned up a number of structural, propulsion, aerodynamic, and armament problems. Perhaps the most serious of these was a tendency of the aircraft to pitch-up, a problem which was never fully corrected even after much effort. Brigadier General Robin Olds, who commanded a Voodoo wing, reported that it did not take very much to make a F-101A suddenly and without warning to go into pitch-up, even while cruising. The angle of attack needed to achieve lift with full flaps and drop tanks was very close to the pitch-up stall point, where the flow of air over the wings created a down flow over the tail slab. On January 10, 1956, Major Lonnie R. Moore, a Korean War ace with 10 kills to his credit, was killed in a F-101A pitch-up mishap at Eglin AFB, Florida.

I'm confused about what's being said here. Are they saying that the plane on takeoff with full fuel tanks with full flaps was near the pitch-up and stall-point? Or are they actually saying that they needed full flaps just to fly at high-altitude?
28th Jun 2011, 21:12
....is "clunkdriver". There can't be too many others who've flown it, around these hallowed halls.

The Ancient Mariner 


Mrs Brooks version of the journal The Recce Reader of (summer 2005):

He was on a training mission for the Royal Flush team, but unfortunately, he crashed April 23 (2), 1963 in the montains of Grenoble France.

French version :
Obiou montain- April 25, 1963

On Thursday, April 25 (2), 1963, around 11:00, a Voodoo 101 F (fighter aircraft to
reaction) of the Air Force forces the cliff between the tip of the Aupet and the Grand
Ferrand to 2700 meters.
The aircraft left the U.S. air base in Laon (Aisne), to 10 hours 15, for a reconnaissance photo on the Southern Alps. When he discusses the mountains, south of Grenoble, they are in the clouds. of Witnesses saw the aircraft at low altitude hear a few minutes later explosion, which allowed the rescuers to find the scene of the tragedy in a very
The pilot, Captain Wesley BROOKS, aged 28, was killed in this accident.


Gordon Doug version :

Royal Flush VIII in 1963 was marred by tragedy when, prior to the event, Captain Wes Brooks was killed practicing for the low level part of the competition. On the 28 (2)th April whilst flying under very low cloud Brooks flew into a blind canyon in the French Alps. On realising his predicament he had lit the burners and gone into a maximum climb. He hit the vertical cliff only 60 feet from the top. George Cowgill was on the accident board covering this crash:

“A farmer in the valley told us the ceiling was near 200 feet when he saw the aircraft pull up with ‘flamme rouge’. While we were at the accident site three of us went down the cliff about a hundred feet where some of the wreckage was hung up. Some wreckage went over the top, some to the bottom of the 2000 feet cliff and a little was caught on the ledge about a 100 feet down”

Jeff Brooks (Capt Brooks' youngest son) version :

Several years ago I submitted requests for info about my father on any website I could find that had any possible connection with my father, the Air Force, his squad, plane, Recon, etc.. Because of those "Request", I have been contacted by several individuals who knew him and/or were familiar with the incident. I found a man, who as a young boy clearly remembers his father working the rescue/recovery efforts. He stated, that he was thinking of us kids and the lose of their father.
I was also able to get a copy of the incident report from the Air Force. The report was enlightening as to the account of events that lead up to his accident. Most sobering was the simple fact that he missed the summit of a 6,500 foot mountain by a mere 50 feet or so. 50 feet and my life would be completely different!..................................................... He actually bypassed his first target and proceeded to the second because of deteriorating weather conditions.


Larry Piliavin, Battle Ground WA version :
(operator of the control tower)

I was on duty in the control tower the day your dad crashed in his F-101.  As I remember it, he took off in the morning, with no external fuel tanks, for a short flight.  Without tanks, he was limited to around two hours; maybe less. 

Around his filed return time, and not hearing from him, I made a few blanket transmissions thinking maybe his transmitter might be out.  This happened from time to time.   According to air traffic regulations, as I recall them, he was supposed to report in around twenty minutes prior to his scheduled arrival back at Laon.  When the window of time passed, we dispatched the crash crew to stand by on the flight line, which is standard procedure.   

When it became obvious something was wrong, the base Gooney Bird (a C-47 which I'm sure you know), piloted by Capt. Daniel F. Hughes, and took off to perform a search.  Days went by with no sign of Captain Brooks. 

Some time later, a French farmer, hearing the news of a missing plane from Laon, reported hearing a loud "boom" from high up in the mountains on the day of the mishap.  Further searching in that area uncovered the crash site.  As I recall, the plane was almost totally covered with snow, which explained why it took so long to find it.

Larry Piliavin
Battle Ground WA


  William "Goldie" Goldfein version :
(Pilot at 18th TRS)

Captain Wes Brooks was a very good friend of mine as he was also friends with all of the members of our escadrille (squadron).  He was a fine, fine officer who was proud of our country and of our Air Force service.  He was also loyal to his fellow pilots as well as the other members of our squadron at Le Base de Couvron.  You know of the loving relationship he had with his wonderful family.  He and I had flown together in flight formations on many occasions and he was an accomplished pilot, a true professional in every respect.  This was obvious when he was selected to fly as a team member of the Royal Flush Competition Team representing our Wing (escadrille) and confirmed our choice when he returned with the title of "the best of the best" in reconnaissance.  As reconnaissance pilots, we took pride in our performances of split-second timing over specific check points and over or abeam of our several "targets" and the ability to see, remember as well as record photographically the targets and then following our return to base, relate clearly all that we saw to Intelligence personnel as well as showing our Photo Interpreters the minuscule details of the target views.  Wes was a proven champion our profession.  Couple that immense skill with being a superb pilot and you have his fellow reconnaissance pilot's description of Captain Wes Brooks.  As for the memory that I still hold vividly in my mind on the day he did not return from his mission, it was almost as if the squadron members were stricken mute; the squadron area was virtually silenced.  When the news of the crash came in, those of us in "B" Flight felt the news was incredulous but reality prevailed and we each suffered the loss of our flight mate both alone and together as the day progressed.  Serge, that is my remembrance of one of the saddest days in my nearly 33 year career in the USAF.
My wife of nearly 56 years and I are attending the RF-101 Voodoo Reunion in Seattle , Washington from May 20th through the 23rd this year and we will see Nancy and remember again that day nearly a half century ago.  Thank you for your e-mail below and thank you for your interest in this event as our two-country alliance renews the camaraderie that we've held for so many years.  Good Luck and God Speed.
Very respectfully,
William "Goldie" Goldfein
Col, USAF (Retired)


 Tim Taylor version :  
Airman  (A2C) 
17th & 18th TRS

Hi Serge, I think this is a wonderful memorial you have done for Wes Brooks and his family.  I have been in touch with Nancy, his wife and a couple of the sons by email.  A couple years ago they were trying to get information about Wes' crash.  I knew him from contact in 1962 until his death.  I was an airman (A2C) in the reconn photo processing section for the 17th & 18th TRS.  I was originally assigned to the 18th but the lab was in trailers and we worked together.  Part of my job was Operations driver for 2 week periods every once-In-awhile.  I got to meet and greet the pilots by taking them out in a van to their jets, and picking them up and bringing them back to their squadron ops section after their sorties.  I met Wes during that time.  He was affable and friendly and not a stiff officer.  He tried to sell me his AC Bristol sports convertible when I was making a deal with Capt. Reeder also of the 18th for his 59 Porsche.  I was thunderstruck when I heard of Wes' crash.  We were briefed on it by some of the officers.  You have a very accurate presentation of what happened.  The pilots were looked up to by us ground personnel, and I have been in touch with Captain Reeder who retired as a Colonel who has said to me several times his appreciation of the support people.  We cared for their safety and we wept when they were lost.  There were 4 crashes between 1962 and 1964 when I left Laon.  There were two fatalities; Wes Brooks and another earlier one whose face I still can see but name escapes me at this time (1).  He had sort of a similar situation where he came out of low clouds way too close to the ground.  The same thing happened as there was a farmer in this incident that also was a witness.  The pilot ignited his after burners just about the time he hit the ground.  
Thanks again Serge

Tim Taylor 
Airman  (A2C) 
17th & 18th TRS

(1) His name was Captain Newby 

Thank you Tim !
(model of the aircraft Captain Brooks of the 18th TRS) 


Michel Verdin version :  
(liaison officer of French Air Force) 

Hello ! I remember Capt Wesley Brooks I met sometimes at Laon Couvron Air Base. He was a jolly good fellow who could together laugh and concentrate on his risky job. He was a personnality. I was liaison officer at the French liaison Office working with Col Massengale at the HQ. That was a big loss but not the only one. Another crash occured at takeoff end of the runway loaded with JP4. 
Always a human tragedy ! 
God bless them all !

Michel Verdin


In the center, Michel Verdin

Visite du Général de Gaulle à Laon-Couvron Base


Voodoo picture and Unity patch given to French Liaison officer Michel Verdin by USAF groupe



Pierre Blanc version :  
(Tréminis farmer and eyewitness)

Michel and Anne-Marie, residents of Tréminis, have collected the testimony of Mr Pierre Blanc (Son of Mr André Blanc, and himself witnessed the arrival of the aircraft Tréminis that day).This is a very affable man of 68 years who intersperses his narrative with anecdotes typical on village life in the past.
Michel asked him some very specific questions about the accident Voodoo April 25, 1963, and here's what he said, drawing the support (1).
This morning there he was himself working in a vineyard sloping south of the village of Prébois. The weather was overcast with a cloud ceiling a little lower than what you can see on the pictures I made today.
Suddenly his attention was attracted by the noise of an engine from the west and sees rise below where it works (very low), a jet that goes up during Ebron towards Tréminis, at an average speed according to him.
His observation is relayed few seconds later by his father Mr André Blanc (now deceased) who is busy remove stones a sloping field northwest of the hamlet of Serre where he has his home.He raises his head, loud reactor approaching and sees a jet rush him to the point that it literally "throws down" and had just time to see the aircraft extremely low (20 or 30 meters) and very inclined to the right that turning a corner and climbs into the fog "full throttle" with "two red flames in the back."
A few seconds later, the hunter has gone, a muffled explosion was heard, followed by him "clanging".
Convinced that a crash has just occurred, it alerts the police by phone Clelles, which prevents the Mure of (since at that time there would have been no police to Mens - much closer.
Being back Prébois, Mr Pierre Blanc was surprised to see around his house a number of gendarmes who fear him are firstly that something happened to her parents.
Mr André Blanc meanwhile starts to have doubts about what he heard, afraid of having to move the police for nothing and suffer the ridicule - especially that some people who also Tréminis heard the noise, for their part, believe that it is just a sonic boom, and the hunter in question has already arrived in Nice.
Fortunately for him and unfortunately for the pilot, a crash has occurred at the top of the Grande Casse. Mr. Gauthier is the first who discovered the remains of Rf 101C (part of the reactor) at the bottom of the case. The rest is history since the wreckage will be found two days later from the snow still covers the tray.
I showed Mr Pierre Blanc a screenshot from Google Earth, on which he represented me without hesitation the path from the Voodoo during Ebron until his sudden change of course in the field where his father worked. I am enclosing a sketch "raw", as well as others, annotated and corrected, according to what I think - in view of the research we've done. 
(1) Picture reproduced below:

exeptional thanks to Michel and Anne-Marie for their devotion
Thank you to Mr Pierre Blanc for his testimony


USAF version : 
(report of investigation)

History of Flight
Captain Brooks was the second of the three Long Rang Royal Flush team members scheduled to fly a profile training mission on 25 april 1963,in preparation for participation in the annual NATO Royal Flush reconnaissance competition two weeks later. This mission included three targets  for visual and photographic reconnaissance,and the three sorties were scheduled for takeoff at 50 minutes intervals.
Because the telephone in the Royal Flush operations area was inoperative on this day, weather briefing and clearance were handled by the team captain, who had selected the targets and was responsible for monitoring and evaluating mission preparation, execution and results. This member of the team was highly qualified reconnaissance pilot who was not permitted to fly in the Royal Flush competition because of previous participation.
(black marks / censored)
Each pilot flying the mission was furnished by the team photo interpretation section with a 1:1,000,000 scale map of the entire route with headings, times and ASN-7 computer coordinate check points entered on it, as well as a 1/250,000 scale map from letdown point to target with headings and times entered on it and 1:100,000 scale maps from the IP’s to the targets with headings and times entered on them.
(black marks / censored)
Captain Brooks completed the walk around pre-flight inspection of RF-101C  56-0100 at about 0730Z. After the flight planning phase was completed, at about 0830Z, he proceeded to the aircraft, started the engines and called for taxi clearance. However, he was told that local weather was below takeoff minimum conditions, so he shut down the engines and returned to Royal Flush operations. After  a delay of approximately 30 minutes awaiting improvement in the local weather, he again started the engines and this time was cleared to taxi to the active runway.
(black marks / censored)
Captain Brooks took off on runway 03 at 0916Z. he followed Standard Instrument Departure Number 3 until reaching VMC on top at about 4,000 feet and then presumably continued climbing in a turn intercept course to the city of Grenoble, France, which was the designated letdown point and pre-IP for the first target. The appropriate quadrantal cruising flight level for this direction of flight was FL300. Time en route to Grenoble estimated by the first team pilot to fly the mission was 42 minutes, giving an approximate ETA for Captain Brooks at this point 0958Z.
Immediately after release from approach control frequency, Captain Brooks was contacted on the en route traffic control frequency by the first team pilot, who was flying the return leg from the last target. This pilot directed Captain Brooks to change to a discrete frequency, and when contact was made on this frequency, informed him that he had dropped the first target because weather enroute to it from Grenoble. he suggested that Captain Brooks continue directely to second target, using dead reckoning. Catpain Brooks acknowledged this information and returned to his enroute frequency.
(black marks / censored)
Estimated total flight time from takeoff until the time of impact on the mountain was 54 minutes, and fuel on board at the time of accident is estimated at approximately 12,000 pounds.
Captain Brooks pilot of RF-101C, Serial Number 56-0100, was declared missing in flight after he failed to comply with his assigned “expected approach time” while participating in a high-low-high reconnaissance flight on 25 April 1963.
An extensive air and ground search was initiated with particular emphasis on the target area in the French Alps. On the morning of 28 April 1963, wreckage debris was sighted on the crest of 7480 foot ridge in the Département of Isère, 2,2 miles east southeast of the village of Treminis, France.
The Aircraft Accident Investigating Board members departed immediately, upon notification of crash scene, by air for Grenoble, France. From Grenoble the investigation team attempted to reach the accident scene by helicopter, but was unsuccessful due to adverse weather. The following morning, 29 April 1963, the team was successful in a helicoter ascent to crash scene.

Investigation :
The aircraft struck the mountain approximately 100 feet below the crest or at approximately 7,380 feet mean sea level. Precise point of initial impact was impossible to determine since the aircraft apparently struck in area of heavy snow on an approximate 80 percent slope.
(black marks / censored)
Aircraft wreckage found in this area was confined, for the most part, to small débris with the notable exception of the almost intact left stabilator found found on the lip of the crest, the left speed brake and a large portion of the left flap.
The pilot’s parachute, survival kit and remains were also found on the far side of the crest.
The engine and related accessories remained on the mountain slop in an relatively recessed area somewhat below the assumed impact point.
The force of the impact and subsequent explosion resulted in an avalanche of considereable magnitude that presumably buried a subtantial amount of wreckage in the confines of an area between the 5,000 and 6,000 foot level. Some debris (Hydraulic actuators, cylinders,etc) and the largest piece of wreckage (approximately 50 square feet of left wing and aileron surface) was located in the surface of the avalanche.
The instrument panel, individual flight instruments and/or cockpit controls were not recovered.
The ejection seat and related egress initiators were not recovered.
The left half on the pilot’s seat belt and the automatic parachute lanyard key were found in separate locations. Inspection of these items revealed that the pilot’lap belt latch assembly was not inserted in the automatique parachute lanyard key as directed by T.O. IF-101(R) A-1
(black marks / censored)
the zero second parachute lanyard was recovered and determined to be in the stowed position at the time of impact.
(black marks / censored)
(black marks / censored)
(black marks / censored)
(black marks / censored)
(black marks / censored)

PRIMARY CAUSE : Opérateur facteur.
The pilot, due to disorientation, entered a valley in which the combination of cloud cover and adverse terrain prevented flight continuance in VMC conditions, and subsequently did not initiate a climb in time to avoid the mountain range.
Weather conditions in the valley from which the pilot began his climb prevented the selection an area of lower terrain elevation in which to climb to VMC on top.

Operateur Factor.
The competitive nature of the mission provided a motive for attempting to complete the assigned low level flight in a mountainous aera when the highter elevations were obscurered.
Although the following findings did not ….. (not readable) .... they are considered ..... (not readable).
a/  Although the aircraft contained (not readable) failed to indicate the minimum …..... (not readable).
b/  The pilot took off six minutes after his weather briefing had expired.
c/  The pilot at some point in the sequence of events that preceded  the accident , failed to place the automatic parachute lanyard key on automatic lap belt as directed by T.O. 1F -101(R) A-1 and 17th Air Force Commander’s Message EFTO/Comdr 23074, dated 5 April 1963.

(2)  25 april, 1963 (now, date is confirmed)

Jake Sorensen version : 
(Pilot at 18th TRS, and first pilot of the mission of April 25, 1963)

I cannot be precise in explanation of the crash of Wes Brooks. What I remember of question 1. was the target was a dam/powerplant high up in the mountains behind Grenoble. As noted, the weather at take-off was minimal and after the departure I climbed to probably 31,000 feet and cruised to a position about 40 miles short of Grenoble. At Laon AB the cloud tops were at about 20,000 feet. As I approached my letdown point the cloud tops were somewhat lower and it was layered as I recall. I broke out at about 8000 feet and proceeded to Grenoble. As I approached Grenoble I could see the clouds covering the tops of the hills on either side of the river and then I proceeded through the pass. Now I have a problem with memory mostly because East of the pass at Granoble the cloud formations were literally from the surface and layered. That is Scud patches randomly from the surface then slightly broken clouds at about 500 feet then solid overcast. I recognize immediately that the target had to be in solid cloud cover and it was important to get out of the mountainous area. I went full power without afterburner and turned South to the next target while in a fairly steep climb about 6000' per minute. I broke out on top of the clouds in that area at about 8-10000 feet and as I approached the Mediterranean the cloud cover disappeared. The weather over the next two targets near the Mediterranean were clear. I climber to about 35.000 feet for the return leg to Laon. I was about abeam of Grenoble when I heard Wes talking to the French controller. I contacted him and told him that the weather was socked in at target 1. and the I had dropped it. He acknowledged. I returned to Laon, made a weather penetration and landed.

In looking at your photo's, I am uncertain where the Dam/powerplant was located.I get the impression that it was off Wes's left wing an that he was following the river/stream to get to it. He also must have been well below the 500 foot minimum until he pulled up. I say that because the cloud cover was about 500 feet and the terrain was rising up underneath him. Since a witness reported that he light the afterburners he might have recognized the predictument he was in.

If I knew where the powerplant/dam was located I probably could reconstruct the course that I would have taken after crossing Grenoble and the mountain pass based upon the terrain features, an IP (Initial point) and heading to the target from the IP. I probably would have used the intersection of the two streams as the IP. "One can plow through some clouds for a moment in level terrain but not so in this Mountainous terrain".I suspect that about the time he lit the burners he had reached the conclusion that the target was inaccessible and that he needed to quickly get out of there. He also might have seen the verticle rock facing he was approaching. Whatever, his response was to late.

Jake Sorensen

7/ International & Local Newspapers : 
Oakland Tribune:
(Oakland Tribune (California) du 29 avril 1963) 

Dauphiné Libéré:

April 26,1963:
An American fighter base Laon crashed on the slopes of Obiou (2793 m)
Difficult research to locate the wreck, because of bad weather. Grenoble, April 25. An American plane type F.101 took off Thursday morning at 10 h15, Laon (Aisne), for a mission in the area bounded by Grenoble, Manosque, and the Italian border. It was a simple reconnaissance mission and the aircraft had fuel allowing a cruising range of 2h30. At 12:45, the plane had not returned to its base, the coordination center and rescue Romilly sur Seine triggered research which he was responsible for the northern sector and called for help from the base of Aix en Provence. Romilly French and American planes began research, while Toulouse, Manosque and Le Bourget du Lac 
and two planes and two helicopters took air.
(Continued on page 4)


The crash of American fighter.

(continued from page 1) Around 11:30, people of Tréminis the border between the departments of Isere and Hautes Alpes, had noted with concern an aircraft flying at low altitude (about 200 meters above the small town say the witnesses)
Shortly after crossing the village, and when the visibility was virtually zero, the aircraft was close to the nearby mountains Obiou (2793m) and the Grand Ferrand (2761m), a near vertical climb. Moments later, these same witnesses saw the sound of a loud explosion.
The plane had crashed it against the rock? 

The gendarmerie of Cielles was then alerted, and Lieutenant Jayet, company commander of the Mure went immediately to the scene to organize research.
The gendarmes of several brigades, helped civilians, then began their way to the supposed location of the accident. But because of the rugged landscape and altitude. The snow is still very important because even the weather and thick fog covering the entire north face of the massif.
In late afternoon we had not yet found any trace of the unit.
And probably the rescuers will they rely on this Friday. In seeking better weather and more appropriate ways. Their research in the nearby mountains.
Other testimonies
In late afternoon, according to some testimonies that appear very late, the U.S. plane was sighted at 11.00 above Montaud and Noyarey and have dived the Chartreuse Mountains, above the Fontalil. On the other hand, on the basis of another witness, the police have explored Sassenage until night Sornin tray. But without results.

April 27,1963:

The research had to be suspended due to fog and avalanches.

Grenoble, April 26. Research that had resumed this morning in the mountains of Obiou and Grand-Ferrand in the Alps of Dauphine to find the U.S. military plane missing since yesterday, had to be stopped around 15:00, due to fog and avalanches.This jet type F101
had left the base at 10:00 in the Aisne Laon for a reconnaissance flight over the region bounded by Grenoble, Manosque, and the Italian border. this device does not return to its base.
After several false information, eyewitness accounts suggest that the American fighter crashed into the mountain range between Obiou (2793 meters) and the Grand Ferrand (2761 meters).Several people of the town of Tréminis, located in the foothills, have indeed noticed the passage of the device at very low altitude between 11:00 and 11:15. 

"I worked in a field to specify one of these witnesses, Mr André Blanc, a farmer in Greenhouse Tréminis, when I saw happen to a Western aircraft has two engines flying at very low altitude. The cloud ceiling was so low, a hundred meters, and the device has passed some thirty meters above me. I could see the number 9 and the letter B painted on one wing. The aircraft pitched up suddenly turning, and he headed straight for the Grand Ferrand. While I had lost sight of, a minute later I heard a thump " 

Mr Louis Gras, also a farmer at Greenhouse Tréminis, fully confirms the testimony of Mr. Blanc. According to the two mountaineers, the plane could crash into between the Grand Ferrand and small Obiou on the massif of the Aupet. 

Avalanches every thirty seconds.

Research that had been interrupted last night when the visibility was almost zero, resumed at 6:00 this morning. Initially, the visibility was much better than yesterday, about 250 meters. However the police and volunteers hoped the time would emerge to enable them to search the rocky bars of the combes Aupet and cons that are in there.At 9:30, 27 men: 20 policemen led by Lieutenant Marcel Jayet, company commander of Mure and 7 civilian volunteers Tréminis, Mrs. Blanc, Zanardi, Gauthier, Perre, Ranger of Tréminis, Gras, Franco and Carenini arrived at the cabin Sia in the 1400m altitude without too much difficulty, despite the casting of snow, fog and light rain, the caravan could win the bottom of the Grand Casse in 1634m. The increase became very difficult in the snow on a field gradient of 70%.At 250 meters from the rocky edges of the pitch, visibility was zero. But seven men roped together, guided by Mr Pinel, ski instructor and provided by their comrades marched eastward, but discover they owed nothing. A second team progressed to the Northeast. But soon the Lieutenant Jayet had to take the decision to discontinue research become too dangerous. Indeed, avalanches are triggered approximately every thirty secondes.one of them even caused by the passage of a plane nearly win the rescuers.At 15:00, the convoy was returning to his PC Tréminis. Research can only resume when the weather improves.

April 29,1963: 



The wreckage has been discovered at the foot of Grand-Ferrand. In the part circled in the photo (magnified in the document at right). You can see the wreckage from which landed the helicopter of civil protection. The document right is the pilot of the lark (helicopter), his mechanic and two mountain guides of the CRS 47. They just cover the remains of U.S. pilot in his parachute, was useless.
(photo Alfeno Quercioli taken on board the super Morane the Dauphine Libere)


The helicopter of civil protection of Grenoble reduced the pilot's body was donated to the American commission of inquiry.

Grenoble, April 28. The snow was streaked with blackish track. This discovery made last night by the people of Tréminis (Isere), was this morning suggest another: that of the wreckage American "voodoo" missing since Thursday in the Alps.The wreckage had been spotted around 7:00 am, by a farmer Isère, between the tip Aupet (2610 meters) and the Grand Ferrand (2761 meters).Immediately the plan SATER (emergency aero-terrestrial) and was triggered under the command of Captain Legac, civil protection. Helicopters, planes were headed French and American at the scene of the accident.

The wreck apperçue by the grower.

It was 5:00 this morning, when Mr. Charles Gauthier left his house in the hamlet of the church and headed for the Grand Ferrand. Mountaineer, mr Gauthier managed with the snow slide where the blackish marks were noted.Using binoculars, he discovered the wreckage of the U.S. plane.Immediately, the farmer came down to the hamlet of Serre to give warning. While a relief column led by Captain Joly, commander of the gendarmerie group of Isere, started from the lark Tréminis (helicopter) Civil Defence took off and managed to land at 9:00 in the debris of the device.The pilot Leplus, Montmasson the mechanic and the two guides CRS 47, were the first to discover this sad spectacle.

"The wreckage covered an area of ​​300 meters, confided to his return Montmasson. When the unfortunate pilot, he was terribly shredded "

A U.S. Army DC4 from Dijon overflying of the disaster, and photographer on board of inquiry took many views.Meanwhile, the first four witnesses were preparing a droping area to allow heavy helicopters of the French army and American land near the site of the tragedy at the foot of Grand-Ferrand.

The fog was the cause of the accident.

At 10:00, the devices appear in the sky and turn the two U.S. helicopters and Sikorsky the base of the Bourget Lake piloted by Lieutenant Vigneras atterissaient on the snowy carpet speckled by the debris of voodoo. Guides the CRS 47 commanded by Lieutenant Duraud carrying the remains of the unfortunate parachute which he could not use served as a shroud, in the device.From the point of fall of voodoo, we could reconstruct the circumstances of this tragedy of the sky.Captain Wesley Brooks aged 28, from San Leandro (California), father of four children, had flown Thursday morning around 10:15 of the base of Laon (Aisne), with a mission to fly over my Italian border.The pilot hampered by fog and ignoring the treachery of our area had to repeatedly fly lower than the planned mission.Thus, several witnesses saw the aircraft nosed down and go back soon.Arriving Tréminis above, the American officer began a descent to escape the clouds that hindered visibility. This is alorsqu'il saw before him the rock wall located between the Grand Ferrand and the head of the Aupet. Then he began a vertical climb, but a split second too late. The plane caught the top of the pass and exploded.A few meters, the F101 could have avoided the catastrophe.

The inquiry comes in Grenoble.

In the afternoon, an American commission of inquiry which had boarded a Dakota, arrived at the airport of Grenoble.Fifteen officers responsible for establishing the causes of this accident composaiebt this commission, chaired by Major Knoche, the base of Dijon.The Sikorsky took off immediately for the lead officer on the scene.But the fog that enveloped the Alps, prevented any landing. This was to be remitted to lendemain.la remains of brilliant young officer, who just last month, was promoted to captain, was led to Laon, where a widow and four orphans ahead.

Jean Enkaoua.

April 30,1963:

Grenoble, April 29. After the discovery of the remains of American aircraft that crashed Thursday at the foot of Grand-Ferrand, the American commission of inquiry led by Major Knoche Dijon, visited this morning around 9 am, at the site of the accident.
It was 9:30 when the Sikorsky landed on the snow cover. American officers immediately gathered the wreckage and studied them carefully. Roped by the guides of CRS 47 commanded by Lieutenant Duraud, the officers went down to the point of percussion.
The first results of the survey confirm the thesis that we propose to our readers yesterday: that Captain Wesley Brooks realized too late the rock wall and had begun a tenth of a second too late rise vertically.

May 2,1963:

On the sidelines of the accident the Grand Ferrand

The plane of the rugged American commission of inquiry at the airport in Lyon - Bron.
Lyon, April 30. The DC3 carrying the American commission of inquiry charged with discovering the causes of aircraft accidents in the Grand Ferrand was injured when he parked on the parking area of the airport of Lyon-Bron. The air movement caused by the blades of the helicopter Sikorsky base Bourget du Lac, who had also participated in the research of American fighter plane crashed, was indeed severely damaged the empenage of DC3 will have to undergo extensive repairs before can fly again.
This curious incident that could have tragic consequences has so happily translated by a slight delay in the schedule of members of the Commission of Inquiry.

8/ Situation Maps :


 Europe & France


Crash site map

View 3D Google earth
UTM : 31 T
long :   723524
lat   :  4957374

9/ Others Pictures :

Malden Air Base 
Squadron IV
Class 1955-O (oscar)

Wesley J Brooks

Wesley J Brooks

In Flight (Brooks 119) ,Royal Flush VIII - 1963
somewhere in France....
Certainly, last photography of de Captain Brooks
(to be confirmed) 

10/ pictures right after the accident :

  (American investigation committee & others)

Version of serge (orange on the 3 photos above)

Special thanks to the Family of Fabien
(the underside of the left wing tip)

11/ Pictures of the current site :

Overview and Vidéo:

View from the plane
of Sam_tt:
Thank you very much, Sam
(from the south)

View taken from Tréminis.
top of cliff (main view from west)
thank you Michel.

Video taken from a autogyro of Gérard.
thank you very much Gérard !
(from the West)

Zone B1: 


General view from west 
with locating aircraft crash
(zone B1 - avalanche aera)

Zone B1 (bottom)
locating aircraft parts 

Zone B1 (top)
locating aircraft parts 

click on the link below to access the slideshow:

Zone B2 (over the crest) : 

Map B2 aera

View from cliff
(ridge of Grépoux)
Since South

View from the north side
(ridge of Grépoux)

View from the North-East side

View from cliff

View from under cliff

click on the link below to access the slideshow:

12/ Rescue Team : 

First Aerial Team (alouette):

helicopter pilot: Alfred Leplus (Freddy)

helicopter mechanic : Gaby Montmasson
CRS 47 chief   : Lieutenant Duraud
CRS 47 helper : unknown

other helicopter pilot: Lieutenant Vigneras

ground search :

Military Police group:

Lieutenant Jayet 
Chef d'escadron Jolly
Capitaine Hourmant (Aerial coordination)

Civilian group:

Mr Pierre Blanc 
Mr Jean Claude Gras
Mr Charles Gauthier
Mr Auguste Zanardi
Mr Camille Serre
Mr Aimé Perre (Tréminis Ranger)
Mr François Carenini
Mr Daniel LUYA
Mr Jean Faure
Mr Bernard Barautaud
Mr Raymond Martin 

Investigation Committee :

Major Chuck Knoche
Mr George Cowgill
Mr Ray Hineli

13/ News and updated :


Tim Taylor is dead
Tim has left us, I think of him and his family. Tim was generous and a lot of the material and material on this post comes from Tim. Goodbye Tim ! Oct 21, 2021
In memory of Tim Taylor ...


Last Update April 26, 2024

* Serge's visite to the archives of the Ministry of Defense in Paris

* Military police investigation folder (SHD Archives Vincennes (Paris)

* Map of overflights of Target 1  by aircraft 2 (Captain Brooks) and 3 (Unidentified Pilot)
The target is identified by the military p
olice investigation (archives of the SHD vincennes (Paris)


Stele memory installed by the villagers of Tréminis June 28, 2013


 Requiescat in pace, Captain Brooks